One Year In...

We have wrapped up our first year as part of the Mental Health Intervention Program. The primary purpose of this program is to host a counselor at the school building to provide therapy for our students. Students may also meet with Ms Loveland on a regular basis, receive case management, or receive family referrals for outside services.

The menu below shows our successes this first year. As part of the grant, we measure 4 domains: Attendance, Academic Achievement, Externalizing behaviors (fighting, disrespect, etc), and Internalizing behaviors (anxiety, depression, isolating, etc). Over 25% of the students in the program improved in ALL 4 AREAS! And 84% improved in half or more of the domains.

If you would like to refer yourself or another student, please click this button:

If you would just like a chance to chat with Ms Loveland to learn a little more about the therapy program, or any of our services, click this link to request an appointment on my calendar: Loveland's Calendar. You can also request the meeting to be done over Zoom, if that works better for you.

If numbers aren't really your thing, check out these success stories shared by parents and teachers:

“I have so many wonderful things to say about our therapist! My child has grown and changed in so many ways and always enjoys seeing his therapist!” “Her academic achievement has increased so much this year! She still occasionally struggles to get her work done, but that is now the exception instead of the rule.” “She has made leaps and bounds this year socially and academically!  She comes in saying good morning, she enjoys playing with friends, she likes to be a part of everything going on in class!  She is able to respect physical boundaries and explain to others that they need to!  She is night and day different from the girl I saw in the hallway last year!” “She is another success story.  I believe she knows she has people in her corner now, more than just her family.  She knows she has trusted adults who care and listen to her.  She is able to regulate herself more than in the past.  Her academics and social skills have grown immensely as well!” “Her abilities this year have blown us all away. She has the occasionally hard day, but that is to be expected. She regulates, recognizes and articulates her emotions, and reaches out for support when needed.” “What a blessing to have these services in our school now. It has kept him from having to miss a lot of school to receive therapy and especially with all he has gone through. Thank you to all who helped to make this possible!” “It’s the little things. My kids are a success story that would not be possible without this program.”


What about other options?

Check out the resources below.

This website has trained listeners available 27/7 for free. Or for $150/month you can communicate with a therapist as much as you need.

911 is for emergencies. 211 is for everything else. Put in your zip code and your need. Or click on this link for Sedgwick County providers: Resource Guide

The insurance provider for USD 331 staff is BCBS of Kansas. Click the link above to be taken directly to the mental health provider search page.

Therapist KC Davis broke down questions to ask and things to think about when looking for a therapist. Feel free to print off the information and make notes when interviewing therapists.

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How Can I Support You?

How can I reach Ms Loveland?


  • Give me a call! Just call the office at your local school and ask for 'Lydia Loveland.' My direct extension is x2352. If I do not answer, please leave me a message. I travel between multiple buildings, so if you do not leave a voicemail I will not know you called.

  • You can email me at This is usually the best way to reach me.

  • I have a phone number just for students & families to text me: 913-914-7574. Why leave your phone in your locker?

  • Click this link to request an appointment on my calendar: Loveland's Calendar. You can also request a Zoom meeting, if that works better for you.