Congratulations to Reagen, Shylo, Sawyer, Azalya, Trapper, Jhett, Laura, Scottie, and Yoselyn for earning an eagle pride ticket for setting a great example in our school. A special welcome to Trapper who is new to KES. GREAT JOB!
4 months ago, Bill Kelley
Here is a big shout out to Mrs. Wooten's 1st grade class for staying at a level ZERO in the hallway while unpacking after Wellness Wednesday. GREAT JOB!
4 months ago, Bill Kelley
Mr. Spexarth wants to give a shout out to Sonja for helping a student who had dropped their books. GREAT JOB!
4 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
Miss Wells wants to recognize Ellayna for being a great listener and being very respectful to her classmates. Mrs. Wahrman wants to give a shout out to June making great choices and setting an example for others. GREAT JOB GIRLS!!
4 months ago, Bill Kelley
We want to welcome Taos and Emma to KES (book ends in the photo). Mrs. Wahrman would also like to recognize Loralie, Cason, and Maggie for helping out in class. Cason helped clean while Loralie and Maggie helped classmates finish ornaments. GREAT JOB!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
January Lunch Menu
5 months ago, Maggie Freund
January Lunch Menu
Miss Wells wants to give a shout out to Sutton and Carson for helping a 1st grader get to their Ohana group. She also wants to recognize Ellayna for helping a friend who was frustrated. GREAT JOB!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
eagle. pride
Christmas Spirit Week
5 months ago, Maggie Freund
Christmas Spirit Week
Congratulations to Daniel for receiving an Eagle Pride Ticket for holding the door for others coming inside. GREAT JOB!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
The KES cooks wanted to give a big shout out to Loralie for thanking them for doing a great job. Truitt shared a jacket with a classmate who was cold and Cooper is being recognized for being a great friend. WAY TO GO!!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
Congratulations to Ryder, Kassidy, and Cooper for receiving an Eagle Pride Ticket. Ryder and Kassidy both helped a classmate who was hurt and Cooper made a great choice removing himself from a frustrating situation. GREAT JOB!!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
Congratulations to Ms. Mays Kindergarten Class setting a great example in the hallway. They were perfectly quite while walking to Mrs. Higgins Classroom. GREAT JOB!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
Mrs. Graber wants to give a big shout out to Max, Jackson, and Aiden for staying after class and helping clean up the room. GREAT JOB!
5 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
Mrs. Wooten wants to give a big shout out to Eli and Kevin for setting a great example for others. Eli helped out a classmate who was upset and Kevin consistently follows directions and classroom expectations. WAY TO GO!!!
6 months ago, Bill Kelley
Ms. Pickering and Mrs. Graber want to give a big shout out to Bentley for sticking up for a classmate and encouraging others during group work. Teagan is being recognized by Mrs. Graber for helping clean up a paint mess in the classroom. GREAT JOB!
6 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
Mrs. Kelley wants to give a big shout out to Reign for helping clean up the classroom. GREAT JOB!
6 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
Mr. Spexarth wants to recognize Sawyer for always making good decisions and setting a great example for others.
6 months ago, Bill Kelley
eagle pride
Scottie, Eric, Reagan, Vaishu are being recognized by Ms. Matthews for being ready to go for class and showing TAPS! GO EAGLES!
6 months ago, Bill Kelley
We want to give a big shout out to Colton and Maggie for making the extra effort to keep our cafeteria clean to help out Mr. Schonlau. WAY TO GO!
6 months ago, Bill Kelley
Ms. Matthews wants to recognize Sawyer for always showing her Eagle Pride and to Laura for ALWAYS being ready to learn and being a great role model for other students. GREAT JOB!
6 months ago, Bill Kelley